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St James Hatcham



St James Hatcham is a school that strives for excellence and continues to improve. Our results clearly demonstrate this.


SATs Results 2021 - 2022

The government have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance due to the challenges faced by the global pandemic. Schools are not required to publish their results for 2021 - 2022 because this was the first year that statutory assessments returned for the first time since 2019, without adaptations.

However, we have used quality first teaching along with a strategic use of catch-up funding to produce another year of great results - externally moderated - and we are glad to share how well our pupils are currently performing at the end of their primary journey with us in 2022:



Our results however generally place our school well above most other schools nationally and we consistently represent the top 10 performing schools in Lewisham borough


Results 2018 - 2019

The last set of published statutory testing results were in 2019 for all pupils. We are thrilled with what was achieved, especially as we exceeded the results of most other schools nationally in all subjects, including the combined result where children need to achieve the expected result for all subjects. We are also extremely pleased with our results for those children ‘Working at a Greater Depth’ where we have met or beaten national standards in all subjects. 

Our results put us in the top group of all Lewisham schools for achievement at expected standard.


historic data for website.pdf

School Data Dashboard (Department of Education):

DfE School Data Link

News Shopper Newspaper:

'The best performing primary schools in Lewisham' report Link

Swimming 2021 - 2022:

Pupils who swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters: 24%

Pupils who use a range of strokes effectively: 24%

Pupils who perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations: 28%